Friday, September 30, 2011

Houston Day 131

Yesterday was a much better day because I had stuff to do! A while ago I got in touch with a voiceover coach here in Houston and yesterday morning he helped me record a demo.  It was really fun.  I also did some accent work and recorded one of the spots in an American accent, and one in an English accent.  I'm thinking about getting a website together, so maybe you'll see it up there sometime soon.  John (the coach) was also talking to me about maybe getting into voiceovers for anime; apparently the U.S. hub for anime is in Dallas and he goes up there fairly regularly for recording sessions.
In the afternoon I had my second shift at Hope Stone.  I checked in the little kids for their creative movement class, assisted in/participated in the drumming class (such a bonus to just get to learn a fun new thing as part of this job!), and then taught the theatre class.  Gayla, the main theater teacher, called at the last minute to ask if I'd be happy to teach by myself because she had to go to a last-minute rehearsal for a dance show she is stage managing.  It was pretty fun!
So that's the challenge: just get some stuff to do! Auditions have slowed down for a little while, and Sound of Music, Express Children's Theatre and Hope Stone between them all aren't keeping me busy enough.  Am seriously thinking about going to grad school; there are some really good universities here in Houston. 

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