Saturday, March 10, 2012

Houston Day 293

So the last show went off without a hitch, and in order to assuage my post-show blues Shemica and Benito went out for brunch with me at the Down House, which Benito prefers to call "our club"*, afterwards.  The other gentlemen of the cast couldn't join us because they had, respectively, rehearsals and an angry pregnant girlfriend to get to.  (Although, in the immortal and way-funnier-out-of-context words of Derrick, "She's not angry, she's just black.")

*Certain areas of the Heights are still technically dry, according to some way old statute that nobody's bothered to change since the Prohibition.  Many local bars get around this by calling themselves private clubs, and in order to buy alcohol you need to join the club.  Benito joined the Down House with us after we went to see his show Circulo Vicioso de un Cuarteto Amoroso....I think I remembered that title right...

Last night, like the truly hip Houstonians we are, we hit up Montrose for some great food and many many beverages.  "We" in this case means Lucas and Mel and I, and James & Aria + kids for the dinner part, and someone Mel met at Exxon called Erica & her husband for the drinks part.  The best pizza I have ever tasted.  Rocket (arugula as they call it here) + taleggio cheese + pear + truffle oil.  That is all I will say.

Freedom Train cast: Brandon, Shemica, me, Derrick

Benito & Shemica at the Down House
Today Mel is off for a few days to some national parks east of here toward Louisiana, Lucas is off to Costco, and I am doing not all that much.  Tonight is Seussical, starring Leslie and Nick and some other friends from The Sound of Music.  Tomorrow is brunch with Aaron (from Exxon) & Lorena, and something which sounds very boring but will I hope be very helpful - a tax seminar put on by my agency about how to manage taxes as an artist.

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