Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Houston Day 164

Rudolph rehearsals are going fabulously.  We have a full cast, a great director, and the SM sitting in with us from the start.  I really like this director's process.  It's a tight schedule, but she's making time for us to all work creatively as a group, rather than it just being about her directing traffic.
Lucas is in Austin for the rest of the week for a conference so I'm by myself in this big house.  I have enough time today, though, to clean the house to make it feel nice to hang out in! I was going to listen to an audiobook (The Children of Hurin, by Tolkien but published posthumously) or the radio...a fellow National Public Radio fan just called me to say it's really interesting this afternoon, but it seems to be mostly about Greece's economic crisis right now, which I'm sure is a massive concern for many people but I've heard enough about it recently to not care that much....Am I a bad person? Yes.  On that note, I'm playing the bad guy in Rudolph! Unusual for me, so it's a fun challenge.
So clearly no big news happening right now, but life is generally nice.  Fall continues to be beautiful.  I continue to eat too much leftover Halloween candy (yes, we sat out on our front porch feeding candy to small children in costume on Monday!) and make myself feel sick.  Lucas and I continue to be rubbish at housekeeping, but at least we have a great dishwasher these days.  I miss everyone in Australia (well, at least the people I know....well, at least the people I know and like....), and the strategy against homesickness right now seems to be to avoid thinking too much about Australia, songs about Australia, Australian accents, and Christmas in summer.  Because I almost got choked up thinking about Prime Minister Gillard the other day, and that can't be good.

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