Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Houston Day 150 - my mum's alive and I haven't been arrested

It's cold! What's happening to the Houston I've come to know and love? I think it was hotter in Melbourne yesterday than it was in Houston! Damn you all! I've been secretly gloating while you've all been whingeing about the weather, and now...enter the fall...
I often don't feel stressed, but notice my behaviour as if I'm a very well-informed outsider and conclude that I must be.  E.g, just under a year ago, fairly soon after we decided to move to Houston, I wasn't really feeling anything about that decision, and then I broke a small mirror while cleaning the house, and cried for half an hour.  So, I guess I'm busy enough at the moment, because I've started having bad dreams.  A couple of nights ago I was arrested by the Iranian government because I was behaving in a manner not accepted in an Islamic country (I'll leave that up to your imagination), and last night my mum got stabbed to death.  Still, I so much prefer work stress, manifest in dream-world harm to myself and my relatives, to the kind of bored existential angst that I've been experiencing.  Sorry, Mum.  Hope you don't mind if I text you every morning just to check you're ok.
The Adventures of Tom & Huck is the cause of all this stress.  The company's organisational and communicational skills have left a lot to be desired, but things are picking up this week with the introduction of a plain-speaking, clock-watching, decision-writing-downing Stage Manager.  There's also a new Choreographer, but he often gives me the feeling he's from another planet.  Almost everyone else on the team has worked with him before, and so that's nothing new to them, and apparently they enjoyed watching me "experience" him for the first time.
But each day this week I've reminded myself, "no day but today", and it allows me to try and deal with the challenges of each day without it becoming a question of my whole life's point or worth or success.  It's also caused me to rediscover how crazy I am about my husband.  You know how y'all think Lucas is funny and silly and smart and great to be around? Well, I get that every day! And yes, sometimes he annoys the crap out of me.  We've developed this stupid little bedtime ritual where he turns the dimmer on our bedroom light up and down for about five minutes before we go to sleep, and it pisses me off somethin terrible, but it at the same time it makes me giggle.  It's also thawed the ice on some conflict a couple of times, because even when we're hurt or seriously angry at each other it helps us remember we're really good at laughing together.

P.S.  I'm well aware that I used the phrases "y'all" and "somethin terrible" in the above paragraph.  You try living in Texas and working in about three different accents every day and not becoming some strange hybrid language monster.

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