Monday, August 22, 2011

Houston Day 92

Not being busy is both a blessing and a curse.  Yesterday morning after our customary weekend breakfast at the Yale St Grill & Gifts Lucas and I came home and then this strange lethargy and grumpiness slowly washed over me.  I didn't want to sit around doing nothing in our house which needs a clean, but I didn't have the energy to do anything else.  I didn't feel capable of deciding what to do about that, and I unfairly got a bit cross at Lucas for feeling exactly the same way.  Eventually Lucas suggested we give Nick and Rebekah a call, which was a good idea, and we spent the rest of the day with them, and it was a lot of fun.
On Friday I checked out the Heights School of Yoga, and took a beginners' class there.  It was pretty good.  Mostly posture-based (asana), but as an expression of a deeper spirituality.  My favourite moment was a pose that opened up the shoulders - I was lying face down on the ground with my hands clasped behind my back and the teacher pulled my upper body up off the floor by my wrists.  It felt amazing to let go of that tension.  But I'm also kind of compelled to admit I liked it that she was using me to demonstrate because I had the most flexible back of anyone in the class.  Probably not the best reason to want to go back to a yoga class!
Today was a fairly productive day, and filled with a few pieces of good news.  Lucas won an eBay auction for a motorbike, which he's very excited about.  He just called me fifteen minutes ago to ask if I mind him going to a motorbike accessories shop on his way home from work! I got an email from my fourth cousin Emma Higgins, who lives in London, saying I can stay at her place while I'm there, which is exactly what I needed and I was about to have to get over my awkwardness and just invite myself to someone's house.  I also got an email setting up a meeting with the Kid's Play directors at Hope Stone tomorrow.  Then I spent the rest of the day hunting online for auditions and rehearsing a monologue.  I am preparing a video audition for a casting agent here.  Rehearsing that monologue is kind of emotionally exhausting - I have to emotionally fall apart, then pull it back together, and then practise it again with tiny variations several times over until I'm happy I've worked it enough for one day - so I think now I shall relax in front of the TV or an audio book.
P.S. Another stupid random difference between here and Australia is bugging me at the moment.  I can't get any good strapping tape for my achilles tendonitis.  Am settling with this flimsy white stuff that doesn't adhere nearly as well as Elastoplast brand tape, or whatever it is I used in Aus.  Never thought I'd miss a particular brand of strapping tape more than friends, or you know, Tim Tams.  :)

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