Thursday, July 14, 2011

Houston Day 53

Doorways are smaller here, despite the fact that people, and more to the point, the furniture they sit on, are in general larger.  Just one of the many little discoveries I make every day.
I was feeling debilitatingly sad and purposeless and crap at life yesterday, so Lucas took the day off work to get me through the day.  We went out to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the cinema, and had Mexican food for lunch.  It was in a part of town where the majority of the people are Latino so I didn't understand half the menu.  Kind of like some Chinese restaurants in Melbourne.  It's fun to be slightly surprised at what the dish actually turns out to be.  And in a Mexican restaurant, it's safe enough to assume that some combination of tortilla, meat and cheese is going to land on your plate.  Unlike in a Chinese restaurant where it may be some kind of scary sea creature on rice.  Had a Skype date with my sister and her gorgeous daughter and then went out for dinner at Chili's.  We're eating out a lot.  I feel some kind of obscure guilt about that.
In an effort to lower expectations on myself and prevent the kind of meltdown that led to the debilitating sadness, today I slept in until I felt like it, made it in to the studio for the second class of the day, then felt tired so drove home.  Spoke to my dad on the phone, organised my music and keyboard on my new desk (which is in a corner of the loungeroom I have claimed as my workspace/rehearsal corner) and did some singing practice.

Tonight there is a lecture on at the Museum of Fine Arts by a music historian about Cole Porter.  If Lucas makes it home from work in time we will go together.  Otherwise I will have to find my way there myself.  Sigh.  Driving and navigating are getting a lot more intuitive but it's still easier to let Lucas do it.  He knows his way around so well already it's astonishing.  So he drives most of the time! Maggie assured me that when she and Scott lived in Melbourne she always made Scott drive.  Makes me feel better!
When everything is ten times harder than I expect it to be, taking off a few layers of stress helps me get through each day.  People keep asking how long we're going to live here, whether we'll find a church, whether I'll get a job, whether we'll have kids some day.  I can sometimes, but not always, tell you what I'm doing tonight.  If I'm really lucky, I have some idea about the next day, or the next week.  Beyond the end of this month I definitely can't see much.  Have never lived so day-to-day before.  It's kinda cool.
I can tell you what we're doing this weekend.  We're taking a weekend trip to San Antonio, where I will finally learn what the hell the Alamo is.  Next blog, lessons in Texas history.

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