Sunday, July 10, 2011

Houston Day 49 - a quiet Sunday morning

We are sitting in the breakfast nook.  I have the laptop, and wireless internet at last.  Lucas has Dostoevsky.  We share the use of the Lone Star table we bought last weekend at the Antiques Gallery.  Crumpets are in the new toaster, and air-conditioning allows us to pretend that it's not obscenely hot and muggy.

The new house is getting set up and is beginning to feel a bit like home.  I left my new shoes in our new toilet for the first time last night, which Lucas is taking as a good sign :) Last Friday I had some friends from dancing - Rachel, the twins and Rebekah - come over and help us shelve CDs, books, DVDs and videos.  I thought about Monica back in Melbourne and her amazingly fast sort-through of the CDs before we packed them - it definitely helped on this end Moni! I miss you!
Mackenzie and Morgan in front of their work

Rachel in the middle of her work!

Most weekends are taken up with furniture shopping.  It's mostly fun (Houston has some great antiques stores) but sometimes a bit overwhelming and stressful.  I've had a few auditions, including one yesterday that was really quite embarrassing.  Sometimes I don't feel stressed, I just notice that I must be because my behaviour is not quite right, and I do things like turning up to an audition without reading the brief properly and only had one song to present instead of two.  :( Reminds me of one of my favourite "Friends" quotes: Chandler and Monica are hiding out in Chandler & Joey's apartment (it's when they're still being secretive about their relationship).  Joey comes home.
Chandler: What are you doing here? I thought you had an audition!
Joey: Well, I'm sorry for not being a middle-aged black woman.   And I'm also sorry if sometimes I happen to go to the wrong audition.
If you'd like to keep up with my audition progress, I'm keeping a tally on the page entitled "Auditions".
Yesterday afternoon after auditioning and shopping for a desk (and being unsuccessful at both), we were invited by Scott and Maggie to a pub in the Heights called the Tall Texan. It was my first experience of what I had assumed to be a typical Texan pub.  The bartender asked us for our IDs because she hadn't seen us before, until Maggie and her friend Shani arrived I was one of only three women in the place including the bartender, and I was wondering if Lucas was going to get shot if he ordered me an appletini.  Scott bought the rounds, and for three Lone Star beers in margarita glasses, a chardonnay in a beer mug (the only non-beer option), and two packets of peanuts, paid the grand total of $8.  After Scott and Maggie left to go meet someone else for dinner, we stayed talking to Shani and her partner (husband???) Dan, who lived in Melbourne for two years, were ordered by Exxon to come back unexpectedly early, and miss it like crazy.
Then Lucas and I went to Katz' Never Kloses, a New-York style Jewish deli and met up with Rebekah.  Bekah is one of the teachers at City Dance Studio, and she and her husband Nick are originally from Virginia but have just moved to Houston from Costa Rica.  Nick works for an online poker company.  He was away in Vegas with some poker buddies this week and Bekah couldn't go coz she had an audition in Houston so she was all on her own! She came back to our place for appletinis after dinner and was our first overnight guest. 
Nick & Rebekah at their place

Lucas and Rebekah and the appletini he made her!  

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