Thursday, November 17, 2011

Houston Day 179 - more travels through space and time

Lily Tomlin's character (whose name I forget): Mr Markovski, have you ever travelled through space and time?
Albert: Yes.  No.  Time, not space.  Actually I have no idea what you're talking about.
I <3 Huckabees

Today was a little journey back in time.  I travelled back to the phase of a few months ago, when I was easily confused by all the bright lights, foreign accents, excess of choices on offer and unwritten rules of stores here in Houston.  The United States Postal Service can now join CostCo on the list of unlikely places that have reduced Amy to tears.
When I was young and naive, I thought that things like non-western toilets would be the hardest part of travel.  No.  Squatting near the ground to pee is nothing compared to not understanding instructions, or even worse, the instructions being assumed rather than explicitly given.  This is exactly what happened when I went to Japan and had no trouble with the non-western toilets, but enormous trouble with the western-style toilets with so many buttons, options and things that needed me to understand the instructions.
After breaking the rules at the post office (and wrapping up a package in a manner not inconsistent with a physical comedy sketch), I then proceeded to Bed, Bath & Beyond to purchase bedding for the guests who are staying with us over the next couple of months.  Still distracted by the Great Post Office Fiasco of 2011*, I nearly ran someone over in the parking lot, and then spent waaaay too much time contemplating the aesthetic, financial and allergenic ramifications of setting up the guest bed.  It's been a while since we went shopping for homewares, and I forgot how easily stressed out I am by it! However, I am pleased with the result!
So, Janet, Mum, Lex & Monica, welcome to our home! Come and enjoy your guest bed (not all at the same time, please).  And new Houstonian friends who I now know are now reading my blog, you are welcome to crash anytime.

*hyperbole used for effect

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