Monday, June 13, 2011

Houston Day 22

We're thinking about taking a weekend trip over the Fourth of July weekend which is coming up.  We're just googling different places around here, seeing where the good visiting spots are and how far away they all are.  El Paso is nearly twelve hours drive.  We will not be going there for a weekend.  I zoomed out of the map a little bit trying to orient myself to the geography, and I found myself staring at the google map centred on Texas for about five minutes.  I'm in Texas.  This is where I live.  If I want to drive for six hours I can go visit New Orleans.  If I want to drive in a different direction I can go visit Mexico, where I don't even speak the language.  That's really quite bizarre.
It helps that we have a house! We signed a lease on Saturday for our house in the Heights! We move in on June 21st.
It was a  pretty up-and-down weekend.  Friday afternoon I failed my driving test for my Texas drivers licence, then got lost driving home, couldn't make head nor tail of how to get onto the freeway nor why all of a sudden it seemed like I was driving on the left-hand side of the road coming up to a roundabout (which don't usually exist here), ran up onto the kerb and got a flat tyre.  Lucas and Maggie were driving home from work and came to rescue me, which was lovely.  We took Maggie out for a beer to say thanks, and then went to - shock horror - a social engagement! We had an invite to a party! One of Lucas' workmates had his housewarming.  It was brilliant to meet some people, most of whom are our age and also new to Houston.
Saturday we signed the lease, and drove around running some errands and checking out some shops (it's fun to start looking at furniture and appliances!) Saturday evening we went out for Thai food and saw the XMen movie.  (It's pretty good.  There's a surprise cameo which is really funny and I won't tell you who it is in case you want to see it.)  Sunday we joined Costco.  Yay, I'm a real American.  We bought food in bulk.  The most frightening thing was the twin pack of enormous peanut butter jars.

Sunday afternoon I rehearsed with the Dance Circle.  But the best news of the weekend was that I got a callback for a play! Yippee skippy! Won't go to the effort of talking about it in case I don't get the gig.
I'm really struggling though.  Friday was the first day I really felt so sick of being in a new place and knowing so few people all I wanted to do was hide.  I sometimes don't understand people's colloquialisms and their accents, and they don't understand mine, or they laugh at them.  Tiny things like buying petrol are completely foreign and take half an hour.  And I'm feeling totally lost in terms of my career path.  I have some leads to follow, but the gigs I'm getting invited to audition for or participate in are the kind of gigs for people who perform as a serious hobby, not for their career.  I am beginning to feel like I've missed the boat.  I didn't do enough serious training early enough, and I'm too old to have a CV as short as I do.  Not really sure if this is just homesickness talking, or if it's just the case that I have a serious hobby but no serious career path, or if I just hang in there it'll pick up and I'll get my dream job. 

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