Saturday, May 21, 2011

1 day til arrival in Houston - in transit, Melbourne

So, we had an amazing holiday in Thailand.  We drank many cocktails (including ones especially dedicated to Bry and Emma, who had both asked us to have a cocktail for them! Em, the Long Island Iced Tea Lucas had for you is below!), swam a lot, lay around a lot, ate delicious Thai food.  The breakfast buffet at the resort was amazing and included a whole table of different kinds of tropical fruit - the sweetest pineapple I have ever tasted! The swim-up bar was alas not operating, but we still got served drinks by the pool.  When you ask for coconut juice, they hack open a coconut, put a straw in and give it to you!
For the first five days we barely even left the resort.   We just needed a lot of resting time - we were both pretty sick and stressed and strung out from packing up and saying goodbye.  Enough time each of serious talking and silly talking and no talking to process the huge thing we are doing in moving countries.  Once we got up the energy, we rented a motorbike and visited some other beaches and a waterfall, and went on a guided tour of some Buddhist temples in the area.  Two were cut into caves, which was pretty cool, but my favourite was a really brightly painted one with huge and detailed statuary and amazing architecture.
Right now we're in Melbourne, just picking up some more luggage and saying a final goodbye to the city before we leave bright and early tomorrow morning.  I feel so much more ready after our holiday to move.  Physically and emotionally rested, plus I got some good thinking time in about my attitude toward myself and the world.  I am just a teency bit more grownup after the last couple of weeks.  More ready to own my decisions and speak and act with power.  I had a cool experience at the first temple we visited.  They have these giant gongs outside some temples with round bumps on them.  You kneel before it and rub your hands on it, and it makes a different sound for everybody.  The belief is that if you make a really loud sound, you know you are a good person.  It was pretty special to hear the powerful, low sound it made for me, with a nice loud ring to it!

I am a little worried about going to a place where I know a few people, but Lucas is the only one I know really well.  I think it's the extrovert in me - I need more people otherwise I get grumpy and irritable! Better make some new friends fast! Plus I think skyping my family & many friends from Melbourne will help.  So, you know, get in touch everyone!

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