The season is, haltingly, and in a Houstonian fashion, but nevertheless definitely is, changing. It's cooler in the mornings, and periods spent outside longer than ten minutes during the daytimes are less likely to make you want to commit suicide. And A Little House Christmas opens in two weeks, sending me back into six and a half gloriously busy seventeen-show weeks. After which we jump on a plane, endure literally countless hours (it's true, I can't do the math) in transit, and head right into Christmas celebrations with the fam, beginning with Boxing Day shopping with my sisters at 7am (I have been hanging out for that for a year and a half now).
But this all means that I need a serious plan for not getting very sick and ruining said Boxing Day shopping with exhaustion. This plan needs to be hefty, multi-pronged, and, it goes without saying, effective.
I welcome all suggestions from other actors, asthmatics and just plain people about how to invest in one's health. Nothing is too crazy. Nothing is too boring. How does one stay healthy and busy and/or on a plane at the same time?
(But if not in direct response to this blog, your suggestions will be treated as unsolicited advice of a personal nature, which will probably result in me buying that herb you rave about and throwing it in your face. I'm gracious like that.)